Whether or not you plan to take part in Burns Supper 2025,
The Stockholm Branch of the RSCDS invites you to a
Pre-Burns Dance Practice
Tuesday 21st January 2025
at 19.00 – 21.00
to practise the dances you are going to enjoy at the Burns Supper, i.e.
The Gay Gordons
The Dashing White Sergeant
Strip the Willow
The Eightsome Reel
Waltz Country Dance
This event will take place at Seemansheim, Tyska kyrkan
Address Prästgatan 33 close to Gamla Stan subway station. Enter through a door in the wall to the courtyard at nr 33.
Of course this is primarily an opportunity to practise some ceilidh dancing, but it is also a chance to meet some friends – old and new. Dress is casual, but kilts/tartan are appreciated.
Please bring soft-soled shoes if possible.
The cost is 50 SEK to be paid on the night or Swish to 123-136 37 53.
You don’t have to apply, but letting us know in advance will help us in our planning.
Please send your name to agne.hanson@telia.com
or call/text 070-480 00 46.
The Caledonian Society of Sweden cordially invites you to our annual Burns Supper at K1, in the Officers’ Mess of Livgardets Dragoner, Lidingövägen 28 on Saturday, 25th January 2025.
At 17.00 the evening will begin with drinks and a mingle. We ́ll have the chance to greet old friends and make new ones during a wonderful evening of traditional Scottish culture, poetry, music, dancing, good food and a dram or two of whisky.
Dress – national dress/black tie
PLEASE PAY TO PG 25 68 52-5 or Swish to 123 136 37 53 by 31st December at the latest. Members should pay 1,600 sek and non-members/guests 1,700 sek.
NB It is important that you fill in all your names when making a payment! When you pay, you will be registered in our guest list. Please remember to write your name(s) and state clearly what you have paid for (i.e. Burns Supper members/guests, membership).
If you wish to bring guests or if you have allergies or food preferences (e.g. vegetarian/vegan/no alcohol), please send an e-mail to info@caledoniansociety.se by 31st December. If all relevant information can be included in the payment an email is not required.
NB All members and guests attending the Burns Supper must bring proof of identity with them. Otherwise they will not be admitted. This is a military establishment and there will be a guard at the gate.
Members will be given priority if all the places are filled. If you would like to become a member of the society please email info@caledoniansociety.se. It takes a few days to become a member so allow yourselves plenty of time. The membership fee is 100 sek for a single membership and 150 sek for a family with children up to 18 or a couple.
NB We intend to arrange a Pre-Burns Dance Practice with the support of the Stockholm Branch of the RSCDS before the Burns Supper. More information regarding the date, venue and price will be sent out as soon as possible.
Lördag 26 april 2025
Årsmöte Caledonian Society – ev. kombinerat med Ceilidh
Besök hos svenskt säckpipeband
Kiltföredrag i samarbete med Svenska Kiltsällskapet
Whiskyföredrag/provning (februari-mars 2025?)
Halloweenparty för hela familjen (lördag 25 oktober 2025?
Resa till Eksjö Tattoo (2026?)
Lördag den 26 oktober kl. 18.
Caledonian Society – Stockholms svensk-skotska vänförening – bjuder in sina och Swedish-British Societys medlemmar till Ceilidh. Även du som är med i förening, grupp, företag eller organisation som verkar inom skotsk-irländsk-keltisk-brittisk kultur eller är intresserad därav är varmt välkommen!
Var: Hartwickska huset, sal Gästabudet – S:t Paulsgatan 39
200 m från Mariatorgets T-bana, uppgång Torkel Knutssonsgatan.
När: lördag den 26 oktober kl. 18.
Söndag 17 november 2024
Tannasg Pipe Band med dansare samt folkmusikgruppen Comaradh bjuder på uppvisning i Gustaf Dalensalen i Lidingö Stadshus, Stockholmsvägen 50. Tid kl 13-14. Fri entré.
Lördag 30 november 2024 kommer Stockholms tre säckpipeband Tannasg Pipe Band, The Thistle Pipe Band och Stockholm Pipe Band samt gruppen North Clan fira St Andrews. Det börjar kl 13-15 på Scottish House med North Clan o skotsk folkmusik. Pipbanden kommer starta på olika pubar på stan och sen sammanstrålar alla på Bishops Arms i Gamla Stan.